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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dinosaur: Dilophosaurus

-Dilophosaurus was a theropod dinosaur from the Early Jurassic
-the name is (pronounced /daɪˌlɒfəˈsɔrəs/ ("dy-LOH-fo-sawr-us") meaning 'two-crested
lizard', because it had two crests (Greek di meaning 'two', lophos meaning 'crest'
and sauros meaning 'lizard')
-the first specimens were described in 1954, but it was not until a decade later
that the genus received its current name
- Dilophosaurus have appeared several times in popular culture, most
prominently as the creature that eats Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park
-the creatures have also appeared in novels such as Carnosaur and numerous video
games; the interpretations of Dilophosaurus in these adaptations are
usually erroneous

-for more informaton, go to:Dilophosaurus

Friday, December 28, 2007

Thylacine-one of the famous extinct animal

-Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus, pronounced /ˈθaɪləsaɪn/)was the largest
known carnivorous marsupial of modern times
-native to Australia and New Guinea, it is thought to have become extinct in the 20th
-it is commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger (due to its striped
back), the Tasmanian Wolf, and colloquially the
Tassie(or Tazzy)Tiger or simply the Tiger
-it was the last extanct member of its genus, Thylacinus, although a number
of related species have been found in the fossil record dating back to the early

-for more information, go to:Thylacine

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Black Hole-owner of powerful gravitational field

-is a region of space i which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing
can escape after having fallen past the event horizon
-the name comes from the fact that even electromagnetic radiation (e.g. light) is
unable to escape, rendering the interior invisible
-black holes can be detected if they interact with matter outside the event horizon,
for example by drawing in gas from an orbiting star
-gas spirals inward, heating up to very high temperatures and emitting large
amounts of radiation in the process

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cryptobotany:Man-eating tree-Madagascar carnivorous plants and Umbdhlebi-not found since first reported

Man-Eating Tree
-Man-eating tree can refer to any of various legendary carnivorous plants that are
large enough to kill and consume a person or other large animal
-no such plant is known to exist, though a variety of unconfirmed reports have been
-presently, the carnivorous plant with the largest known traps is probably Nepenthes
rajah, which produces pitchers up to 35 cm (14 inches) in height and will sometimes
consume small mammals

-Umdhlebi is an unverified plant species purported to originate in Zululand, South
Africa. It was first reported in the journal Nature on November 2, 1882 by Reverend
G. W. Parker, a missionary in South Africa, who said the plant was poisonous.
-according to Parker, Zulus sacrificed sheep and goats to the tree to calm the evil
-as of July 18, 2007, no specimen of the Umdhlebi has ever been recovered, and other
than 19th century anecdotal evidence no further verification is known to exist
-the Umdhlebi is described as having large, fragile green leaves, and two layers of
bark - a dead outer layer that hung off the tree, and a new living layer that grew
beneath it
-the fruit of the tree was reported to be red and black, and to hang from branches
like small poles

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Unicorn-the legendary weird horse

-from Latin unus 'one' and cornu 'horn'
-is a legendary creature
-the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes that of a horse differing only
in the horn on its forehead
-the traditional unicorn has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and a cloven hooves - these distinguish it from a horse
-Marianna Mayer has observed (The Unicorn and the Lake), "The unicorn is
the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human
fears.In evens the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary,
but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and
his single horn was said neutralize poison"

Monday, December 24, 2007

Griffin-the powerful and majestic creature

-aka gryffon or gryphon (from Old French grifon)
-is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle
-as the lion was traditonally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle the
king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and
majestic creature
-in atiquity it was a symbol of divine power and guardian of the divine

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cat-fox-Indonesian mystery mammal

-is a potential new species of carnivore recently discovered on the Indonesian part
of the island of Borneo
-first discovered by Swiss-based environmental group WWF in 2003, using a night-tie
camera trap in Kayan Mentarang National Park
-the mammal is slighly larger than a cat, with red fur, a long tail, and hind legs
that are longer than front legs
-its overall appeareance is something between a cat and a fox
-in some ways it resembles the Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)of Madagascar

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jersey Devil a.k.a Leeds Devil

-sometimes called the Leeds Devil
-is a legendary creature or said to inhabit the Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey
-the creatures is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many
-there are many possible origins of the Jersey Devil legend, though it has no basis
in Native American folklore, and is thought to be a creative manifestation of the
English settlers
-the aptly named Pine Barrens were shunned by most early settlers as a desolate,
threatening place
-being relatively isolated, the barrens were a natural refuge for those wanting to
remain hidden, including religious dissenters, loyalists, fugitives and military
deserters in colonial times. Such individuals formed solitary groups and were
pejoratively called "pineys", some of whom became notorious bandits known as "pine
-pineys were further demonized after two early twentieth century eugenics studies
depicted them as congenital idiots and criminals. It is easy to imagine early tales
of terrible monsters arising from a combination of sightings of genuine animals
such as bears, the activities of pineys, and fear of the barrens
-outdoorsman and author Tom Brown Jr spent several seasons living in the wilderness
of the Pine Barrens. He recounts occasions when terrified hikers mistook him for
the Jersey Devil, after he covered his whole body with mud to repel mosquitoes
-not surprisingly, the Jersey Devil legend is fueled by the various testimonials of
those who believed to have encountered the creature, from precolonial times to the
present day, as there are still reported sightings within the New Jersey area

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mothman-a strange, winged, flying man

-the name given to a being creature reported in the Charleston ant Point Pleasant
areas of West Virginia between November 12, 1966, near Clendenin, and December, 1967
-the creature was sporadically reported to be seen concurrent with those dates, with
some sightings near Sewell Mt. as recent as September of 2007
-most observe s describe the Mothman as a winged man-sized creature with large
reflective red eyes and large moth-like wings
-the creature often appeared to have no head, with its eyes set into its chest
-a number of hypotheses have been presented to explain eyewitness accounts, ranging
from misidentification and coincidence, to paranormal phenomena and conspiracy

Monday, December 17, 2007

Crop Circle-are aliens made the crop circles?

-is a term used to describe patterns created by the flattening of crops such as
wheat, barley, canola, rye, corn, linseed and soy
-examples can be found world wide
-various hypotheses have been offered to explain their formation, ranging from the
naturalistic to the paranormal
-Naturalistic explanations include man-made hoaxes or geological anomalies, while
paranormal explanations include formation by UFOs
-many circles are known to be man-made,such as those created by Doug Bower, Dave
Chorley, and John Lundberg
-and a 2000 study into circle hoaxing concluded that 80 percent of UK circles were
definitely man-made
-Bower and Chorley were awarded an igNobel Prize in 1992 for their crop circle

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ahool-Java's giant bat

-is a flying cryptid
-supposedly a giant bat or by other accounts, a living pterosaur
-there is no objective evidence that it exists as claimed
-it is not well documented, and little reliable information
-and in this case, no material evidence-exists
-named its for its distictive call A-hool (other sources render it ahOOO000
-it is said to live in the deepest rainforests of Java
-descibed as having a monkey/ape-like head with large dark eyes, large claws pn its
forearms (approximately the size of infant), and a body covered in gray fur
-the most intriguing and astounding feature is that it is said to have a wingspan of
3m (10ft)
-almost twice as long as the largest (known) bat in the world. the common flying fox

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mokèlé-mbèmbé-Congo River cryptid

-the name given to a large creature reported to live in the lakes and swamps of the Congo River
-the term "Mokèlé-mbèmbé" comes from the Lingala language
-can be roughly translated as "one from stops the flow of rivers".(Clark, 261)
-the creature's very existence and identification have long been debated between mainstream scientists, local Pygmies, creationists and cryptozoologists
- Most controversially, it has been suggested that the creature might be a relict sauropod which somehow survived extinction
-This idea has seen very little attention or support from scientists, who tend to argue that the creature can be best explained as some combination of fraud, folklore and misidentification of other animals
-for more information, go to:

Friday, December 14, 2007

Skunk Ape-stink hominid

-hominid cryptid

-inhabit the Southeastern United States, from places such as:

  • Oklahoma

  • North Carolina

  • Arkansas

  • Illinois

  • Florida Everglades

-it is named for its appearance and for that unpleasant odor

-according to the United States National Park Service, the skunk ape exists only as a local myth

-reports of the Skunk ape were particularily common in the 1960s and 1970s

-particular cases of sightings of skunk apes include "Knobby" and the "Fouke Monster"

-for more information, go to:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Shunka Warak'in-American famous beast

-is an American beast
-is said to resemble a wolf, a hyena or both
-the first discussion and description of this cryptid by Loren Coleman in his columns and articles
throughout the 1980s, especially as formally recorded in Cryptozoology A to Z
-it was reported from the Great Plains during pioneer days, by both white setllers and Native
American tribes
-the sightings have become much less common in th last century, causing most supporters to
suggest the animal is now extinct
-for more information, go to:

The Bloop-Underwater ultra-low freaquency

-is the name given to an ultra-low frequency underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration several times during the summer of 1997
-The source of the sound remains unknown.
-for more information, go to:

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Cryptids Universe: Chupacabra-animal vampire

Cryptids Universe: Chupacabra-animal vampire

Champ-monster of Lake Champlain

-the name is given to a reputed lake monster living in Lake Champlain
-authorities regard Champ as legend
-state government of Vermont has put Champ on its Endangered Species List, so that if such an
animal does exist, it would be protected by law
-reportedly can be seen in a video taken by fishermen Dick Affolter and his stepson Pete
Bodette in the summer of 2005
-in the video, something appears under the water near the fisherman's boat
-although two retired FBI forensic image analysts, who reviewed the tape, said it appears
authentic and unmanipulated, one of them added that "there's no place in there that I can
actually see an animal or any other object on the surface"
-one piece of inconclusive data is the recording of what seems to be echolocation from within the
lake by the Fauna Communications Research Institute in 2003, working as part of a Discovery
Channel program
-the group concluded that the sounds they recorded are similar to that of a Beluga Whale or
perhaps an Orca, although no dolphin or whale species is known to live in the lake
-for more information, go to:

Friday, December 07, 2007

Greys-Roswell aliens

-also known as Roswell aliens, Zetas and Reticulians
-alleged aliens or extraterrestrial life forms that appear in modern UFO conspiracy theories and
other UFO-related paranormal phenomena
-said to be one of several species of aliens, greys make up approximately 75 percent of all aliens
reported in the United States, 29 percent of all aliens reported in Continental Europe, and 12
percent of all aliens reported inGreat Britain
-in American popular culture they have replaced little green men as the most typical
extraterrestrials life form
-for more information, go to:

Bunyip-mythical creature from Australian folklore

-usually translated as "devil" or "spirit"
- a mythical creature from Australian folklore
-various accounts and explanations of bunyips have been given across Australia since the early
days of the colonies
-it has also been identified as an animal recorded in Aboriginal mythology, similar to known
extinct animals
-descriptions of bunyips very wildly, it is usually given as a sort of lake monster, common
features in Aboriginal drawings include a horse-like tail, flippers, and walrus-like tusks or
-At night their blood-curdling cries can be heard as they devour any animal that ventures near
their abodes
-for more information, go to:

Dragon-the worldwide legend

-mythical creature typically depicted as a gigantic and powerfl serpent or other reptile with
magical or spiritual qualities
-9 dragons from Asia include:

  • Naga or Nogo- Indonesian dragon
  • Lóng (or Loong ,"Lung" )- Chinese dragon
  • Ryū- Japanese dragon
  • Bakonawa- Philipines dragon
  • Yong, Yo, Kyo- Korean dragon
  • Rồng or Long- Vietnamese dragon
  • Yilbegan- Siberian dragon

-13 dragons from Europe include:

  • Scultone-Sardinian dragon
  • Lindworm- Scandinavian & Germanic dragons
  • Zomok, sárkánykígyó & sárkány- Hungarian dragons (Sárkányok)
  • Zmey, Zmiy, żmij, змей, or zmaj, or drak, or smok-Slavic dragons
  • Balaur-Romanian dragons
  • Vere Celen- Chuvash dragons
  • Cuélebre- Asturian dragons
  • Coca- Portugese dragons
  • Zilant- Tatar dragons
  • Ejderha or Evren- Turkish dragons

-5 dragons from America

  • Feathered Serpent or Quetzalcoatl-Meso-American dragon
  • Amaru-Inca dragon
  • Boi-tata- Brazilian dragon
  • Caicaivilu & Tentenvilu- Chilean dragon

-for more information, go to:

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Thunderbird-biggest bird ever seen

-is a term used in cryptozoology to describe as large, bird-like creatures, generally identified
with the Thunderbird of Native American myth and folklore
-similar cryptids reported in the Old World are often called Rocs
-although Rocs are generally regarded as being eagles like the gigantic Haast eagle of New
Zealand, which would have been dismissed as myth if it not for focils evidence, thunderbirds,
on the other hand, are regarded by a small number of researchers as having lizard features like
the pterosaurs and pteranodon
-as most people assume these creatures did not survive from the time of dinosaurs, they are
generally regarded by most people as mythological
-for more information go to: Thunderbird (cryptozoology)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Yeti-Abominable Snowman

-is an apelike cryptid said to inhabit the Himalaya region of Nepal and Tibet
-the names Yeti and Meh-Teh are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region
-part of their history and mythology
-Nepalese have various names for Yeti like "Bonmanche" which means "wild man" or
"Kanchanjunga rachyyas" which means "Kanchanjunga demon"
-most mainstream scientists, explorers and writers consider current evidence of the Yeti's
existence to be weak and better explained as hoax, legend or misidentification of known species
-yet it remains one of the most famous creatures of cryptozoology
-Yeti can be considered a Himalayan version of the Sasquatch or man-beast
-for more information, go to:


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