-is an extinct member of the Homo genus
-known from Pleistocene specimens found in Europe and parts of western and central Asia
-classified as a subspecies of human(Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis) or as a separate
species (Homo Neanderthalensis)
-Neanderthals were named after "Neander Valley", where the first Neanderthal were
-Neanderthal skulls were first discovery in Engis, Belgium (1829), and in Forbes'
Quarry, Gibraltar (1848)
-for more information, go to
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Neanderthal- the extinct cavemen
Posted by ReSKaGRaF at 17:22:00 0 comments
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Gnome- mythical or real
- gnomes feature in the legends of many of central, northern and eastern European lands
by other names:
+ kaukis is a Prussian gnome
+ babegazi is a gnome-like creature with big feet in the traditions of France and
+ vættir is a Iceland gnomes
-according to the certain medieval beliefs, gnomes were deformed with a hunchback, and
were led by their king, Gob, who ruled with his magic sword
-there are many claims from people about gnomes. People claiming that they saw the
living gnomes starting year 1917 until October 2008. Some sightings were recorded in
-for more information, go to
Posted by ReSKaGRaF at 18:48:00 0 comments